Friday, December 14, 2012

One Day Closer

When you face infertility, it's easy to get hung up on numbers.

How long does it take the average couple to conceive?
What are my chances of conception each month?
What cycle day am I on?
After trying to conceive for X months, how likely am I to conceive without help?
What are my chances of conceiving given my current age?

It can be very discouraging when your situation doesn't fit into the neatly numbered boxes that the world of statistics tries to put you in.

So allow me to suggest another way to look at your situation: Today, my friend, you are one day closer to becoming a mother. And that is 100% fact.


You see, if you're like me, you probably have your mind made up: you will become a parent some day. Though it may not result from biological children, Michael and I will be parents one day. So therefore, each and every day I awake, I am one day closer to reaching that One Special Day.

That day where my dream of becoming a mother will be realized. Where my tears of longing for a child will cease, and be transformed into tears of joy. A day where I will be able to look back on these dark years and say, "It was all worth it. You, my sweet child, were worth every agonizing second of waiting. You were worth every tear I shed."

So please, do not be discouraged if your present day is filled with disappointment, worry, or pain. If someone says something insensitive to you, if you started your period today, or if you saw a negative pregnancy test that God is with you. Today and every day. He is walking you through these dark days and towards that One Special Day. You are one day closer to that day.

It's literally just a matter of time. Each and every day, you are closing in on that One Special Day. You are closing that gap. Even though your body may be aging, and even though during these dark days you may feel like it will never happen, and your chances of having a child are only decreasing. Stop. And remember, today is one day closer to your dream becoming a reality.

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